Monday, February 9, 2009

Invisible Elephants

The beginnings of that isolated, “I’m on a semi-remote island” line of thinking have begun. Rationally, you know that they’re coming from the moment you arrive, but then when they actually do enter your brain, they are disturbingly comfortable there.

It’s not like there aren’t plenty of other people around – all of whom, mind you – are in the same position. But, it’s not as if we sit around and talk about it (perhaps we should be) or maybe it’s the elephant in the proverbial room situation. No one wants to admit that they are fraying first.

I’m not sure actually.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m incredibly busy. My whole day is scheduled hour by hour starting at 5:30 AM when I wake up and go work out. Seriously.

It’s these nanosecond intervals during the day when I pause that I realize……there’s no TV, no itunes, no downloadable entertainment of any kind, no Peet’s coffee, no car, supplies of various sorts are lacking at random, things don’t work and the repair person may or may not come by before the end of the term, I live in a shoebox with one other person, I’m surrounded by water, and I may not make it out of Foundations to Medicine and in to term 1 med.


There’s an elephant and I think it’s pink.


S said...

I know you and MJ haven't had the best track record but a lot of folks go there and use their Wireless connection to get around the no ITunes/no downloading clause on campus. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

As for the pink elephant, trust me, you are so NOT alone. I don't think anyone ever truly settles in here and if they seem like they do- then they're doing a damn good job of pretending.

Simrun said...

I thought about the MJ thing, but the last two times I went there the internet connection wasn't working. The time before that though, it was and I was able to download some Gossip Girl (Don't judge). Sometimes, I need shiny, pretty, delicious Manhattan scenes to zone out to : )

As far as island adjustments go, mantra of the week is now, "I think I can, I think I can...."

MysticBuddha said...

Kill the elephant & eat it for lunch. Just make sure it's not Ganeshji.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

All of this will be just a fleeting memory years from now.

S said...

My roommate got me hooked on GG so I would never judge! Last week's ep was wayyy juicy! I need to find the time to watch last night's though. I usually stream the episodes off of Megastic and it works most of the time.

Simrun said...

Alok - I promise I'll make sure it's not Ganeshji first : ).

Simrun said...

Srav-megastic? Please enlighten this doddering blogger : )