Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Learning Strategies

Every so often I take an approximately 20 second break from a lecture and find myself observing my fellow classmates. Do you ever notice that some of them are doing the same thing? Or maybe they only seem to be because they are noticing you noticing them. Is that awkward? Because I’m really not sure. Maybe it’s more funny than awkward?

Then there are those moments when you’re completely absorbed in the lecture, vigorously scribbling or staring into the depths of the slide projected onto the screen in front of you as if it could spew forth it’s contents directly into your brain. Few things irk me more in those moments than someone asking me to clarify something that was just said, or noticing someone glancing at my page scribbling when and what I’m scribbling. Really? How do you know I’m any smarter or more alert than you? You could be copying down my grocery list for all you know.

The point is, I find it distracting and it so completely ruins the flow that you can feel the dump of useful information flowing down your back instead of into your brain like water off of a duck’s back.

Then again, maybe I’m disturbing others when I’m on a 20 second mind wandering spree in the middle of the difference between neurohormones, neurotransmitters, and hormones?

Oh, and for those of you that are actually able to fall asleep during lecture …wow. Honestly, Sonic Foundry is your friend. I bet you can sleep on airplanes too.



S said...

oh man, if i had the ability to not go all narcoleptic during lectures, i would TOTALLY take it! i don't know what it is- the early hour or the dryness of the material, but i almost inevitably have at least one five minute spell of sleepiness during lecture.

now that you mention it, i totally can sleep on planes too, hmmm... correlation?

Simrun said...

I find it fascinating because I'm completely the opposite. Things have to be "optimized" for sleep for me to get some shut eye!

Neuro Chick- Kid Doc said...

I do the same thing. At least once every lecture, often more, especially if its a boring or long lecture or I just want to see what is going on... In fact, if I really want to make myself pay attention to the lecture I have to sit up close and minimize the amount of classmate watching that I can do. I've yet to fall asleep during class, I leave and watch later if I'm that tired but I can sleep on airplanes (if I have my pillow and the window seat.) Don't know how that fits in with your correlation theory...

S said...

maybe i should start drinking coffee on a regular basis? 23 years without it was a good run...

Simrun said...

The correlation between sleeping on planes and in class is that to me, they are both places that I would find it impossible to sleep in.

Srav - don't start a coffee habit! Sooo, not worth the agony of addiction.

MysticBuddha said...

Whatever. this sounds like daydreaming. Pay attention soldier. Someone's life may depend on it.

Simrun said...
