Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Adventures of Emma & Eddie Eyeball

Allow me to introduce v.1.0 of my newest friends......

Yeah, they're cartoons.

No. No, I'm not having early onset jet lag....

And yes, I made them up. Sure, you can call them my imaginary friends, but they have a purpose - to educate children (maybe even a few adults) about eye health and eye diseases in India. My hope is that Eddie & Emma will successfully accomplish their goal and maybe even have fun along the way.

Sooo, enough about them. I'm leaving in a few hours for Chennai!!! I almost can't believe it accept for the fact that I've been running around all day taking care of last minute packing and random errands (yes mom, I really do need to worry about zits still and yes, I did spray my socks with mosquito repellent : ) ).

I've come to learn that there is an internet cafe right across from the place I am staying in Chennai.....so, dear reader, that means you and I have time to get better acquainted.

Lucky you.

'till next time, from Chennai (by way of Air France)......

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