Saturday, June 27, 2009

So, It Turns out…..I really am a pussy

I thought I’d be clever and save myself some agony during Term 1 by taking Anatomy at UC Irvine over the summer.

Yes, I can hear what you are thinking. I DID take Anatomy in Foundations To Medicine and YES, I know that early burn out could be an issue- but I’m stubborn. And, I DO in fact recall how miserable I was as an undergrad at UC Irvine.

But, I told myself that this time it would be different. After all, I am such a far cry from the person I was in my college days. And, since I just took Anatomy, it should be a pretty straightforward review, right?


In I walked to a tidal wave of memories, associations, and many of the old issues that are apparently still very much alive and well at the University of Chinese and Indians – one of the many beloved acronyms for UC Irvine which I feel I am at liberty to use since I am in fact, Indian. Let’s start with how the prof. made it very clear that there will only be a certain number of “A’s” and how he intentionally makes his exams very difficult in order to insure this fact. I am not really sure how that ties in with good teaching and an optimum learning environment. Call me crazy, but why not just write a good exam that tests what you think your students should have learned in that amount of time? I know, I am SO avant-garde sometimes I astound even myself.

Beyond the grading issue though, just being ON campus made me feel depressed- which is odd because I do use the unbelievably awesome campus gym regularly. Me and Kobe Bryant have that in common. Anyway, the point is that the gym is kind of off to the side and not near any of the teaching buildings. Hence, the difference in my psyche….I think. That plus the fact that endorphins make you happy and happy people just don’t kill people.

But seriously, it wasn’t just that it was a depressing feeling, it was that the professor kinda sucked to be honest. I was pleasantly shocked to discover what a good preliminary education I seem to have gotten in Grenada already. The man couldn’t even define a condyle properly. Hello, basic anatomical term definitions? Furthermore, he doesn’t use ANY visuals at all. Ummmm, isn’t it important to identify the structure you are referring to….VISUALLY. Instead he makes crude drawings on the white board that are supposed to resemble things like the bones of the skull. He claims that he doesn’t want to inundate us with images when we have a book that has plenty of them.

The only somewhat redeeming factor is that he does have good notes that are online (sans images of course) but then he ruins it by basically repeating them verbatim during “lecture”.


Needless to say, I hit the “Drop” button 2 days in. Surprised?

Yeah, didn’t think so.


S said...

Wow, I totally applaud your tenacity in even thinking of something as crazy as taking Anatomy again. I don't think I even have a fraction of the diligence that it takes to do that. Since you dropped the class [smart idea btw, what anat prof doesn't use visuals?!] but still want to review some stuff, here's what I'd suggest focusing on-

Upper Limb
Mediastinum/Thorax- Nerves and Vasculature
The Heart
Vasculature of the Abdomen
Relation of Body Structures to Ribs and Dermatomes

Head & Neck ALL the way!

If you want, I can send you my labeled slides that were test on the 'Visual' portion of the Midterm and Final. It'll keep the structures fresh in your head plus you'll have a jump start on everyone! Let me know, bud. :)

Simrun said...

Thanks Srav : ).

Notes? Yes, please! That'd be awesome. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

S said...

Will do, soon as I get them off my external HD!

Simrun said...

You're amazing. Thank you!

Unknown said...

This is the perfect info page for anyone who wants to know about this topic. You know so much its almost hard to argue with you. Great stuff, just great!

Usmle Tutor