Saturday, May 2, 2009

Miss Manners

I know we’re all a tad stressed out heading in to the home stretch here, but I’m not completely sure how that needs to correlate with the state of affairs in Taylor Hall these days. To start with, when I arrived at this palatial hall of perfect cubicles and wireless internet this morning, it was looking much less than it’s usual pristine self. There was trash everywhere. Partially filled water bottles were strewn all around, candy wrappers, plastic bags, a sticky dried soda spill……At some point before 9:00 AM the cleaning staff came through. But, I honestly don’t think that they should be picking up our trash.

Cut to later this evening – same location. I left for an hour and change to eat and breathe a bit. But, knowing that I needed to keep my claim clear on my favorite spot, I, like most of us, left behind some items to make it obvious that this particular cubicle was spoken for. These items were not at all small and hard to notice. I left a sweatshirt hanging over the back of the chair, two books (one of them is approximately 4 inches thick and bright red – pretty hard to miss), and some notes. When I returned, in addition to what I had left there, I saw an empty backpack on top of the desk along with a huge stack of notes, an ID with attached keys, and a cell phone.

Perhaps I wasn’t clear – this is not the storage cubicle. I’ve been sitting in the SAME spot since 6:45 AM this morning. I asked out loud whose things they were only to discover that they belonged to the gentleman on my right. He reluctantly took back his things and assembled them at his OWN cubicle immediately adjacent to the one I had been using. I was shocked that there was absolutely no attempt at an apology. It was more a look of resentment for coming back and crowding his personal space even more in these anxious days of cramming.

So, to you in the red shirt on my right I say – I am sorry that your manners got left at your departure terminal. I do hope you find them soon.

Now, back to the male reproductive system. May "Red Shirt Guy" use it with caution.

Yes. Finals really do bring out the best in moi.


S said...

Should you not feel like dealing with the Taylor miscreants might I suggest a change of venue? Though technically not our 'turf' the lecture halls in the Vet building are remarkably peaceful and have an ample amount of room to spread out in. They're not too densely populated and are generally devoid of neurotic med students [other than myself as of late]. Plus pets are allowed in, so on Thursday night, and the occasional furry study break is way more enticing than sitting on the steps of Taylor.

Simrun said...

Oooooo -venue change! I like the sound of that. And furry creatures definitely aid the addled brain.

p.s. been wondering why I hadn't seen you lately! Thanks for the suggestion : ).

S said...

My roommate and I have a tendency to distract each other a bit more than we should if we're in the same place so we're trying this distance thing. Which actually just translates into us being on Skype more often. Whoops. Anyway, if you want to come by, just shoot me an e-mail, I'm here all day. :)