I’ve never been sure of whether or not God exists. When in a crisis however, I do find myself praying. I had so much anxiety about midterms that I prayed.
Maybe God does exist, because it seems my prayers were answered. Maybe I studied enough to get those grades and it had nothing to do with God. I suppose I’m more of a scientist when it comes to the concept of faith and want someone to show me some sort of empirical evidence that there is in fact a God. On the other hand, my life has been pretty good, and if nothing else, I suppose I do believe that there is some sort of energy in the universe that binds all matter on this Earth together. I believe in interconnectedness.
Why so “philosophical”?
Well, yesterday we went to the Seven Sisters. No, they aren’t a bunch of blind old ladies professing to be oracles. They are a group of waterfalls – seven of them in succession. You have to hike to the base of them then proceed barefoot through some woods straight uphill. Imagine me calf deep in pure mud (not the kind you’d find at the Golden Door my friends….), grasping for brambles on a steep incline to try and gain some traction and my butt and most of the rest of me slicked down with the non mineral mud bath kind of mud.
Pretty, eh?
At any rate, most of you also know that I’m always up for an adventure and enjoy things that I guess you could say are a bit “risky” or have a tendency to release adrenaline in a girl. Of ALL the people to decide – AFTER getting to the top – that I really needed to excuse myself and go back down that heinous trail through the mud instead of jump through paradise (let me tell you …it was absolutely STUNNING), it was me.
But, my reasons for not jumping had little to do with what I imagine my friends think that it did. It’s so strange. I wish I could explain it to them but in doing so, I feel like I’d be betraying a trust. So, I silently nodded when I heard, “It’s okay to be afraid of heights”, etc…it was sweet. I really did appreciate how encouraging they were in trying to get me to jump and telling me how fun it was and that I’d be okay.
I didn’t jump for someone else. Love is a powerful thing, and so is faith.
i'm a big fan of how you've already managed to see more of this island than i have even though you've been here for a fraction of the time. seriously, i wish i was more adventurous.
judging by what you wrote, seems like you rocked your exams? i'll see you at sandblast/karma to celebrate!
Well maybe one of these days I'll be dragging you with me on an exploration : ). That's got lots of promise actually....hmmmmm....hoping to go dolphin watching at some point (not sure when since things will pick up again soon) but if you are interested, I'll be sure to keep you in the loop! Just let me know. And yes - Karma/Sandblast VERY soon!!
Don't know if this was an invitation to hear my thoughts on God? People generally tend to be very sensitive and touchy-feely about this topic...
I'm all ears Alok : ).
I'll happily comment on the GOD issue. He exists, he of course is not a he, but made of love and light and is alive and everywhere. But how do I know, you ask? Because prayer after prayer after prayer has been answered for me. Even, and maybe especially in my darkest hours it happens. I prayed once, and shooting stars crossed the sky right at that moment, to answer my question. Shooting stars! Could there be a more heavenly answer? That and if you start to question whether god exists, and pray for him to enter your life if he does indeed exist, I strongly believe he will enter and you will just start to see life differently, as I have. In Hampi, I felt God hunted me. And now, he's in me and all around me. It happened to me, it's happened to so many, why would you be excluded from such an illustrious thing? love you!
Ok...who is this? This does not sound like the Josen I know.
see corporatebuddha.blogspot.com
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